Sanctuary Safe Haven Counseling


Group Counseling

Group Sessions

This group will explore how well married couples engage their marital union, met/unmet spousal expectations, communication patterns/effectiveness, financial conflict, parenting concerns, trust and forgiveness, effective conflict resolution, marital intimacy (sexual/non-sexual), effective/sustainable and healthy path forward.

Group Size: *6 Couples Maximum

Meeting Day and Time: Tuesdays | 6PM – 7PM

Length: 12 Weeks

This group explores existing beliefs and patterns that may either contribute to or hinder a successful marriage experience or outcome. Areas such as beliefs concerning marital roles/expectations, effective communication, children/parenting, financial compatibility, intimacy concerns (possible hindrances to, i.e., past experiences, abuse, etc), trust and forgiveness, will be highlighted in this group.

Group Size: *6 Couples Maximum

Meeting Day and Time: Wednesdays | 6PM – 7PM

Length: 12 Weeks

Codependency is a dysfunctional (impaired/abnormal functioning) relationship pattern where one person assumes the role of caregiver, “the giver,” who sacrifices their own needs and well-being for the sake of the other, “the taker.” The term “codependency” was first used to describe caregivers for substance abuse sufferers to describe the one-sided relationship between the “giver” and substance abuser, “taker”, that has been consumed and controlled by the abuser’s addiction. The term expanded to include any enabling, dysfunctional relationship pattern, i.e., romantic relationships, between parent and child, friends, and family members. Anyone can fall into an unhealthy, codependent relationship pattern. And, with help, anyone can become free of these dysfunctional patterns. This group will explore underlying causes for codependent behaviors and seek to replace unhealthy behaviors with healthy behaviors. Areas such as boundaries, self- responsibility, honest communication of needs/wants, safe conversations, will be covered in this group.

Group Size: *12 Individuals Maximum

Meeting Day and Time: Thursdays | 6PM – 7PM

Length: 12 Weeks

At Sanctuary Safe Haven Counseling, we understand the times and how the need to be efficient in costs is a priority. We are now offering group counseling sessions for those who wish to be a part of them. Our goal is to create as few barriers as possible between our guests and the assistance which they seek.

Pricing and Benefits of Group Counseling


Marriage Counseling – $125 per session

Pre-Marital Counseling – $85 per session

Codependency Counseling – $85 per session

“May the God of peace himself sanctify you entirely, and may your spirit and soul and body be kept sound and blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.”


1 Thessalonians 5:23 (NRSV)