Sanctuary Safe Haven Counseling


Services and Approach

You know you better than we know you…

The Truth Is...

You know you better than we know you… YES, you really do. You’ve known you longer, discovered you longer, talked to you longer, hurt, cried, and struggled with you longer, and you’ve also laughed and rejoiced with you longer. Our goal in therapy will be helping you to explore who you are today and what has shaped you into this person. As primarily a Christian counseling organization, our focus is on the whole being, i.e., body, soul, and spirit, as one cannot enjoy optimal life except that all aspects of one’s being is in harmony, i.e., healthy. Any dysfunction in the being leads to dysfunction in one’s lived experience. Lack of harmony stunts mental, emotional, and spiritual growth leading to stunted self-image, stunted ability to make productive choices, and stunted relationships.


“May the God of peace himself sanctify you entirely, and may your spirit and soul and body be kept sound and blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.”


1 Thessalonians 5:23 (NRSV)